This intensive workshop offers hands-on introduction to the favorite Leon Theremin's idea of monitoring of very small variations of the specific parameters of the physical objects.
In the lectures, which accompany a workshop, Andrei Smirnov introduce different researches into small scale vibrations of objects using laser monitoring systems, thermo-delays, interferometers, and other sensors for measuring and monitoring variations of sound waves, light beams, temperature, air flows, mechanical vibrations. Those techniques can be used to create sound from wind and air flow, flame, water, body movement and gesture, light, paper, wax, clay, graphics and painting, electromagnetic fields, space radiation etc., to produce unusual feedbacks, cross-media interferences and interactions, which can be used in musical composition, performance and installations.
In the practical part of the workshop Andrei Smirnov will introduce his laser monitoring system, based on the same principle as the famous "Buran" eavesdropping system, developed by Leon Theremin in 1945 for KGB. He has used a radio-location system based on directed microwave radiation for monitoring the hidden acoustical vibrations of windows. The same principle is realized by means of the recent laser technology. As a result, we can monitor and listen to
inaudible vibrations in all kinds of reflecting media: membranes, liquids, solid objects, the water surface, bubbles, plastic bags, piano decks, wine glasses etc. to produce unusual feedbacks, cross-media interferences and interactions. It's a kind of sound/light alchemy, a play with materials and chemical processes.
The workshop is oriented on sound artists and media artists as well as composers and musicians, involved in contemporary music, having particular interest in sound art, musical technology and history. The lectures, which accompany a workshop, have a very condensed historical content, mostly related to almost forgotten historical facts.